Books I Recommend

These are some books that I’ve found helpful.

Hallowell, Ned & Ratey, John (2022). ADHD 2.0. Random House.

Brown, Thomas (2021). ADHD and Asperger Syndrome in Smart Kids and Adults: Twelve Stories of Struggle, Support and Treatment. Taylor & Francis.

Hallowell, Edward (2023). ADHD Explained: Your Tool Kit to Understanding and Thriving. DK.

Solden, Sari & Frank, Michelle (2019). A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD: Embrace Neurodiversity, Live Boldly, and Break Through Barriers. New Harbinger Publications.

Aiken, Chris and Phelps, James (2017). Bipolar, Not So Much: Understanding Your Mood Swings and Depression. Norton, W.W. & Company, Inc.

van der Kolk, Bessel (2015). THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin.

Roggli, Linda (2011). Confessions of an ADDiva: Midlife in the Non-Linear Lane. Passionate Possibility Press.

Bertin, Mark and Tuckman, Ari (2015). Mindful Parenting for ADHD: A Guide to Cultivating Calm, Reducing Stress, and Helping Children Thrive. New Harbinger Publications.

Zylowska, Lidia (2012). The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD. Shambhala.

Ratey, John (2013). SPARK. Little, Brown and Company.

Rosier, Tamara (2021). Your Brain’s Not Broken: Strategies for Navigating Your Emotions and Life with ADHD. Baker Publishing Group.


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